7 reasons why Nationwide Scents™️ is leading the
Whitetail Wholesale Deer Urine Industry
We take pure, fresh deer urines to a whole new level with our state of the art, stainless steel collection facilities proprietary design to minimize fecal and urine contact. Urine goes straight from our deer thru a filter system to an air free jug in cold storage. This gives you a longer shelf life and a product that consistently works every season.
CWD (chronic wasting disease) is always on the forefront of our farm management program. Testing our animals, licensed and monitored under the USDA, genotyping our genetics to breed for resistant animals, double fencing and Archery Trade Association Deer protection Program participant are the many ways that we monitor and control the disease giving you the a product that is safe to use every time.
3. Synchronization technology allows us to collect scent same-season
We take pure, fresh deer urines to a whole new level with our state of the art, stainless steel collection facilities proprietary design to minimize fecal and urine contact. Urine goes straight from our deer thru a filter system to an air free jug in cold storage. This gives you a longer shelf life and a product that consistently works every season.
4. certified “peak” estrus with guaranteed estrogen levels of 30+ pg/ml
Research has shown that the estrogen levels of a whitetail doe at peak estrus are over 30 pg/mL. This is what you need to fire up mature bucks. We have an independent lab test every batch of Certified Estrus to certify the estrogen level of 30+ picugrams per mililiter
5. Deer urine is all we do – family owned and operated
Elam is the owner and worked around and managed the deer at a young age and he stills manages the day to day operation never venturing outside of the deer farm his entire career. Nationwide Scents is a second-generation farm with 30 years of urine collection experience with a team of 121 combined years of Whitetail Husbandry.
6. Largest wholesale whitetail urine collection company in the world
With 500+ whitetail deer on two farms Nationwide Scents is the largest deer urine collection company in the world. With our large daily collection capacity, you have many options in case you ever run short or have large unexpected orders. We collect all year giving you fresh deer urine whenever you need it.
7. Innovative products not available anywhere else
- Estrus Certified Doe Urine
- Buck Urine
- Calming Urine
- Scrape Urines
- Doe Urine non-rut
- Synthetic Deer urines
- Cover Scents